One of the reasons people are unable to move forward in life is that they aren’t taking ANY action.

Thinking about something is a great start. From there, you might talk to some people about the thought or maybe do some research online.

But that’s where it usually stops.

Don’t let that happen!

Preparedness overwhelm usually comes from not taking action. People continue to fret or worry or stress that their situation isn’t perfect enough to do anything about it.

It doesn’t matter how big or small the action is, everything you do progresses you forward.

It doesn’t matter where you live, what budget you’re working with or where you’re at in your life; you can get prepared!

Lastly, these are usually not one-and-done actions. These are usually a starting off point. Do them often and multiple times.

Make it a goal to do just ONE thing a day.

Here are 100+ actions preppers can take to get better prepared:

  1. Read some book, any book, even if it’s only a page or two
  2. Read a blog post
  3. Research something specific, like, how to grow a specific plant
  4. Find out when our first and last frosts are and how to grow food for your region specifically
  5. Write a list of items you need for your bug out bag
  6. Write a list of hygiene products you buy regularly
  7. Write a list of hygiene items you’d like to make (like soap, lip balm, lotion, etc).
  8. Research the hygiene items that you’d like to make, find supplies, book(s), etc.
  9. Look at your alternative cooking needs, make a list of alternative cooking option(s)
  10. Look to your cooling needs and make a list of alternative cooling option(s)
  11. Look at your heating needs and make a list of alternative heating option(s)
  12. Write down typical meals that your family eats for 1-2 weeks
  13. Then, make a prepper food storage menu and grocery list
  14. Look at your water usage and find spaces to store water
  15. Research a few water purification options, make a list of your top 3 options
  16. Make a paracord bracelet
  17. Organize a closet
  18. De-clutter and sell some things
  19. Start an herb garden indoors
  20. Print your favorite recipes and DIY’s
  21. Send some pictures to be printed via a printing service.
  22. Watch a YouTube video
  23. Practice dry firing
  24. Make a faraday cage
  25. Make a rocket stove
  26. Make a candle
  27. Look at some options to bring in more money
  28. Look into a dehydrator or if you already have a dehydrator, dehydrate something
  29. Make your own firestarter
  30. Make a fire in a backyard or park fire pit
  31. Make a hobo stove
  32. Start some sprouts
  33. Start some microgreens
  34. Learn to read a map
  35. Learn to navigate with a compass
  36. Get a book on canning
  37. Can something in a water bath
  38. Can something in a pressure canner
  39. Make something from scratch you have never made before (like tortillas)
  40. Research gas masks (and get them if you have the budget!)
  41. Inventory one small area each day until you’ve inventoried the whole house
  42. Taste test some freeze dried food
  43. Look into generators (and buy one if you’re able to, or at least put it on your list!)
  44. Go out and test one of your water purification method(s)
  45. Look into a budget-friendly rain catchment system.
  46. Carve a spear from a stick
  47. Go fishing, just for fun
  48. Mylar bag some food
  49. Research solar and other alternative energy
  50. Learn the various uses for baking soda, vinegar, etc.
  51. Start a batch of apple cider vinegar
  52. Start a batch of vanilla extract
  53. Make and/or Inventory your bug out bag
  54. Make a car kit, even if you don’t have everything, get one started!
  55. Inventory your first aid kit(s) and supplies
  56. Inventory your medications and get anything else you may need
  57. Start researching medicinal herbs
  58. Learn to sew/mend something by hand
  59. Make powdered sugar
  60. Make brown sugar
  61. Look into grinding your own grains
  62. Test one of your alternative cooking methods
  63. Test your generator
  64. Make a faraday cage
  65. Start a medicinal tincture from herbs
  66. Make your own vanilla extract
  67. Make your own sourdough starter
  68. Make your own apple cider vinegar
  69. Make your own brown sugar
  70. Make your own powdered sugar
  71. Make a candle (if you have old candles, you can re-use that wax!)
  72. Walk the outside and inside of your home to assess any holes in security
  73. Check batteries in everything that takes batteries
  74. Check your fire extinguisher and smoke & O2 detectors
  75. Grab your wild foraging book and go foraging
  76. Fill empty water bottles, ziploc bags or empty mason jars with water, and freeze if you wish
  77. Make homemade bread
  78. Make homemade crackers
  79. Purchase bulk medical supplies
  80. Learn how to use a tourniquet
  81. Go for a walk
  82. Meditate
  83. Do some yoga
  84. Rotate or check on water storage
  85. Rotate or check on a fuel source
  86. Learn to crochet
  87. Make lotion and/or lotion bars
  88. Check your ammo supply, write a list of ammo you’d like to purchase
  89. Practice tying knots
  90. Inventory clothes for the upcoming season
  91. Organize your freezer
  92. Learn to distill water
  93. Look into alternative toilet options (like make a DIY 5 gallon bucket toilet)
  94. Figure out how you’re going to dispose of other trash and waste during an emergency
  95. Make a fire
  96. Cook over a fire
  97. Update your emergency disaster plan, don’t have one? Make one!
  98. Gather important documents together
  99. Check your entertainment and craft supplies, make note of anything you may need/want
  100. Make a bug out bag for each family member, including pets
  101. Make an everyday carry kit
  102. Get some digital pictures printed
  103. Purchase a precious metal or look into purchasing precious metals within your budget
  104. Look into local farms for dairy, honey, meat, etc.
  105. Find local events or classes to further your education

This list will be updated as more ideas are mentioned in the comments or from social media. Feel free to leave your comments! And please do print this list!