Depression is more common during and after a major life event, and I think you’ll agree the end of the world as we know it would qualify. Traumatic experiences can cause depression and even PTSD, which Dr. Joe Alton discusses in the next video in this series. If the grid goes down long enough, many people will respond with situational depression and you, survival medic, will be challenged frequently by affected group members.  As a matter of fact, much more frequently than gunfights at the OK corra (I hope!l.

Dr. Alton addresses what you need to know in this video. To watch, click below:

Wishing you the best of health in good times or bad,

Joe and Amy Alton

Hey, learn more about depression and 200 other medical topics in survival settings with the two-time Book Excellence Award winner in medicine, The Survival Medicine Handbook: The Essential Guide For When Help Is NOT On The Way, available in black and white at Amazon and in color and color spiral-bound versions at! Plus, check out our entire line of quality medical kits and individual supplies while you’re there! You’ll be glad you did!

Grab N Go(r) Eye Trauma Kit by Doom and Bloom
