Our last two videos concentrated on anxiety and depression in austere settings, and maybe you’re sick and tired of the mental aspects of the survival medic’s responsibilities. We get it, the sensational stuff usually has blood, but let’s spend just a few minutes on another important mental issue you, medic, are bound to encounter in times of trouble:  Post-traumatic stress disorder, also called PTSD. In this video, Dr. Joe Alton tells you the difference between PTSD and regular anxiety/depression, and how to help your patient’s quality of life even with limited resources.

To watch, click below:

Wishing you the best of health in good times or bad,

Joe Alton MD

Dr. Alton

Hey, learn more about 200 medical topics in survival settings with the two-time Book Excellence Award winner in medicine, The Survival Medicine Handbook: The Essential Guide For When Help Is NOT On The Way, available in black and white at Amazon and in color and color spiral-bound versions at store.doomandbloom.net! Plus, check out our entire line of quality medical kits and individual supplies while you’re there! You’ll be glad you did!

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