One of the biggest dilemmas that a beginning chicken owner is likely to face is one nearly as old as time, or at least as old as domesticated chickens: should you get a rooster, or not?

Roosters play important roles inside a flock, of course, being primarily responsible for protection against predators and also for expanding the flock the natural way by fertilizing hens.

However, roosters are notoriously noisy, aggressive and generally problematic, sometimes attacking other chickens and people alike.

When it comes to troublesome male animals of any kind, neutering is sometimes a solution for bad behavior. Is it possible to neuter a rooster?

Yes, it is possible to neuter a rooster, a process known as caponization. A neutered rooster is called a capon. Neutered roosters are less aggressive, less noisy and friendlier but they usually don’t grow as big and aren’t as ferocious on defense.

If you want some of the benefits of a rooster, but don’t want to put up with all that cock-a-doodle-do’ing and other behavioral issues, caponizing him might be a good idea.

However, it is an involved and sometimes expensive process, and there’s a lot you’ll need to know about it before you decide to pull the trigger.

I’ll tell you everything you need to know about it below…

Roosters Can Really Be Neutered?

Yes, it is really possible to neuter a rooster, and although it is not nearly as common as neutering male mammals, it is still done regularly to domestic male chickens.

You Cannot See a Rooster’s Testes on the Outside

Some newbie chicken keepers believe that you can’t neuter a rooster because you can’t see its testicles like you can with other male animals.

This is because a rooster’s sex organs are inside its body, and to access them is a proper surgical procedure.

Neutering any animal should never be undertaken lightly, but in the case of neutering a rooster it is significantly more involved and riskier than usual.

When Can Roosters Be Neutered?

As with neutering most other animals, results are best when it is performed early in life.

Most roosters are neutered at around 6 weeks old, but the procedure is safe and still viable on roosters that are 3 months old or perhaps a little older.

And again as with most animals, once the rooster has reached full sexual maturity, the caponizing process has less of a return and is it more likely to entail complications or even threaten the life of the rooster.

A good rule of thumb is to caponize a rooster as early as is feasible and safe if you are going to do it at all.

What Happens to a Rooster Once He is Neutered?

The caponizing of a rooster produces changes in its physiology and behavior that are much the same as neutering any other male animal.

The most significant and desirable change is a drastic reduction in overall aggression.

Roosters that don’t have their testicles pumping them full of testosterone are more docile and less likely to cause problems with people or other chickens.

Physical changes result also, with capons being smaller and less muscular overall compared to intact roosters, and they will also have smaller display feathers and less colorful plumage in general. Also of note is that the comb and wattles of the rooster will be smaller and less prominent.

Capons are also generally less noisy and less energetic than roosters…

Is it Good to Neuter a Rooster?

Neutering a rooster is good if you want a desired outcome when it comes to behavior or the purpose of raising the rooster.

Obviously, having a rooster that is less of a handful is a major benefit if you just want a rooster as a pet or don’t care at all about expanding the size of your flock naturally.

On the other hand, a less muscular, less aggressive rooster is no good if you want a protector.

But, there are other good reasons to caponize, namely that capons have meat of significantly higher quality than your average rooster, being less stringy, more flavorful and far tenderer.

That’s why you’ll sometimes see capon advertised at butchers and grocery markets or other specialty meat retailers at premium prices.

Something else to consider is that capons also, as a rule of thumb, live longer and stay healthier than intact roosters, a potential factor depending on the dispensation of your flock and your objectives.

Are There Drawbacks to Neutering?

The single biggest drawback to neutering a rooster is that the procedure cannot be undone, obviously, but also that the surgery itself is not foolproof and there is no true guarantee of success or safety for the rooster.

The facts are that things just go wrong, and they might not even be necessarily due to human error.

Injury and infection can easily claim the life of a rooster during or after the surgery, so do keep this in mind if you have a prized young cockerel that you are considering submitting to the process.

And, as mentioned above, removing a rooster’s testicles is going to take a lot of the drive, game and gumption out of him: He is likely not going to stick up for the flock the way he would if he was intact.

He probably won’t even stick up for himself the way he would if he was intact. Whether or not this is a good thing or a bad thing is completely up to you.

How Much Does it Cost to Neuter a Rooster?

If you’re going to have your young rooster professionally neutered, the procedure could cost anywhere from $100 to $300, and that’s just for the surgery performed by a professional chicken keeper, though not necessarily by a proper veterinarian.

If a vet is going to do it, the cost will likely be higher and the figure above doesn’t include odds and ends like medications, material fees, and postoperative care if required.

Something else to consider is that you might be able to DIY the operation. Really!

Many chicken keepers take up the task themselves, either in an effort to become better-rounded when it comes to the care and management of their flock or just to save money.

Believe it or not, this is something that is within the reach of your average owner that has the right tools and steady nerves.

A full set of decent quality surgical tools will run you anywhere from $60 to $75, and information in the form of tutorial videos, guidebooks, and the like are widely and freely available online.

But again, keep in mind you’re going to be operating on a live animal and if you make a mistake your rooster is probably going to die a messy and painful death on or off of the operating table.

If this doesn’t sound like something you’re up to, there is no shame whatsoever and leaving the job to a vet, or just leaving your rooster intact. You’ll get used to the crack-of-dawn crowing eventually!

What’s the Procedure to Neuter a Rooster?

Caponizing a rooster is fairly straightforward as far as surgeries go. The rooster is restrained, and an incision is made on one flank, just below the ribs.

This will expose the testicles inside the thorax which are carefully excised, removed from the body, and then the incision is sutured up or otherwise closed.

With the right tools, a good setup, and a little bit of know-how a rooster can be caponized very quickly with no fuss and no muss.

Recovery is typically straightforward and fast assuming the surgery wasn’t botched, and most roosters are back to causing a modicum of trouble in just a couple of days.

It should be pointed out that this operation is hardly foolproof, as major blood vessels and organs are near the testicles and if one of the testicles is missed or even a portion of it remains behind the rooster will not be sterilized and the effects of the operation will not be total.