The Michigan home of Rahm Emanuel, former Chicago Mayor and current US ambassador to Japan, was defaced with the word “Nazis” spray-painted on its fence. The Chicago Sun Times reported that Emanuel, a prominent Jewish political figure in the United States, was not present at his Gordon Beach cottage during the incident.

Expressing his gratitude towards the community’s support, Emanuel told the Sun Times, “Our family is very proud of how our friends, neighbors and the community have rallied to our support and in a singular voice in condemning hatred and bigotry.”

Emanuel also commended the local law enforcement for their prompt response to the hate crime.

This incident is seen as part of a troubling rise in antisemitism and Islamophobia in the US, coinciding with the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.

Graffiti swiftly removed

The graffiti at Emanuel’s property was swiftly removed, but it raises concerns about the increasing intolerance and bigotry.