In today’s show, I’ll discuss an article I read from The Economic Collapse blog, a video from The Prepared Homestead, and the interview Tucker Carlson just did with Alex Jones.

The article discusses how we could see “Mad Max” type events in the coming year because of the economy and decaying society. The video goes along perfectly with this because he talks about how good is evil and evil is good today.

We all know that as money becomes more of a problem, people will do whatever it takes to survive. Couple that with the perception of crime being society’s fault, not the perpetrator’s, and we’re headed down a dark path.

During his video with Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones discussed several topics, including the new world order, his de-platforming, and the W.E.F. agenda. I’ll talk about as many of those as time allows.

Links mentioned in the show…

Alex Jones Show

The Prepared Homestead Video

“Mad Max” Conditions Are Coming


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In this group, we bring together preppers and survivalists to share our knowledge and skills so that we can become more self-reliant and better prepared for emergencies. Finding the balance between preparing for disasters and living a fulfilling, joyful life is a crucial aspect of being a prepper, so we might as well have a little fun while we’re doing it.

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  • Prepper Networking Events: I do quite a bit on YouTube, Rumble, and the podcast, but there is some content I reserve for true fans and supporters. In this group, we do live events, collaborations, tutorials, and even giveaways now and then.
  • Emergency Preparedness Courses: This group is an extension of the Bug Out Location membership website, which has preparedness courses and training for all levels of preparedness. This group will be the hub for everything new and upcoming at the BOL. 
  • A Community of Preppers: The most exciting part about this community is the ability to network with like-minded preppers individually or as a group. You can post a question for the group, private message people individually, and get feedback on any projects you are working on.

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