In the realm of concealed carry, where responsibility intertwines with the weight of personal security, the following decalogue of advice stands resolute. These ten imperatives are not carved in stone by celestial hands, but rather etched by the formidable forces of sound reasoning, legal principles, and the undeniable facets of our shared reality.

This compendium of guidance, stripped of otherworldly origins, bears the weight of indisputable wisdom, a testament molded by the robust amalgamation of logic, lawful norms, and the tangible threads of our everyday existence. Embark on a journey through these essential guidelines, designed to shape a conscientious approach to concealed carry, ensuring a harmonious balance between personal empowerment and societal well-being.

10 Rules for concealed carry


In the intricate theatre of personal security, where the script unfolds unpredictably and the stakes are genuine, the first rule underscores the paramount importance of being armed to the fullest extent possible. Unlike Hollywood actors who navigate fictional scenarios with foreknowledge, you, as an individual navigating the real world, lack the luxury of scripted encounters or staged threats with blank ammunition.

Criminals operate with a calculated edge, selecting times and places where victims are least likely to be prepared. Their modus operandi hinges on exploiting vulnerability. To counteract these predatory strategies, it is imperative to adopt a proactive approach – one that involves being routinely armed and consistently poised to respond to life-threatening situations.

This rule transcends considerations of mere convenience; it is a stark acknowledgment that personal safety is intricately tied to a state of constant readiness. This commitment is not just a matter of lifestyle but a crucial factor determining life and death outcomes, not only for yourself but also for those who depend on you for protection. Embracing this rule ensures a fortified defense against potential threats, underscoring the gravity of a reality where readiness becomes an indomitable shield.


The second rule unfolds as a crucial guideline: if you choose to carry a firearm, you must be mentally and emotionally prepared to employ it effectively. It is imperative to dispel the notion that a gun serves as a mystical talisman warding off malevolence. Instead, perceive it as a specialized emergency rescue tool, possessing a specific purpose and no more.

Examining history reveals a noteworthy pattern – for both law enforcement and armed civilians alike, the mere presentation of a firearm often concludes a significant portion of criminal threats. Offenders, upon facing an armed response, typically choose to surrender or flee. Nevertheless, it’s essential to recognize that criminals form an armed subculture existing within an underworld saturated with stolen and illegal weapons.

They do not cower in fear at the sight of a gun; rather, their apprehension arises from the resolute individual brandishing that firearm. Criminals, as predators, possess an acute ability to discern between what constitutes prey and what represents a formidable threat to their predatory intentions.

In a twist of irony, the person who mentally and emotionally braces themselves to potentially use lethal force against a human predator is paradoxically the least likely to find themselves in such a situation. This rule underscores the principle that readiness to employ a firearm is a deterrent in itself, contributing to a safer environment by dissuading potential threats.

The armed individual, fully cognizant of the gravity of their responsibility, becomes a force against which would-be offenders think twice before engaging. In essence, this rule is a cornerstone of responsible firearm ownership, emphasizing not only the physical preparedness to wield a weapon but also the mental fortitude required to navigate the complex ethical dimensions of self-defense.


The third rule unfolds as a cautionary directive against succumbing to unwarranted impulses fueled by the presence of a firearm. Disregarding the misguided beliefs of amateur psychologists who claim that the mere possession of a gun triggers an innate desire for violence, it is crucial to dismiss such notions as baseless. The gun is neither an inherently malevolent talisman nor a virtuous charm; instead, it stands as a neutral tool, devoid of mystical influence.

Drawing from extensive experience in the intertwined realms of American law enforcement and responsible armed citizenship, a profound truth emerges. Seasoned individuals recognize that possessing a firearm does not morph a benevolent individual into a malevolent force; rather, it acts as a control mechanism, akin to a brake regulating natural human emotions. In essence, a responsible person views the firearm not as an amplifier for aggression but as a restraint that tempers innate responses.

The legal landscape further emphasizes this principle by holding those armed to a “higher standard of care.” This standard necessitates every effort to avoid resorting to deadly force until it becomes an absolute imperative. Understanding and internalizing this concept is pivotal, as it underscores the responsibility inherent in being armed.

The true mark of a responsible gun owner lies in their capacity to exercise self-discipline and restraint, recognizing the firearm as a tool to be wielded judiciously, and always acting in alignment with the principles of ethical conduct and legal obligations. Therefore, rule three serves as a reminder to prepare and comport oneself with the gravity that responsible firearm ownership demands.


The fourth rule underscores the critical importance of legality in the realm of carrying firearms. If your place of residence lacks provisions for legally carrying a gun to safeguard yourself and your loved ones, it is imperative not to succumb to the whims of timid politicians who might inadvertently lead you into becoming a convicted felon. In such a scenario, consider relocating; it becomes a matter of quality of life.

The rhetorical stance of interpreting the law based on personal beliefs, while ignoring existing laws, can jeopardize your freedom, your status as a gun-owning free American, and your ability to provide for your family. This rule advocates for a practical approach: if you reside in an area where a Concealed Carry Weapon (CCW) permit is available, obtain the necessary permit without hesitation. If your current location lacks this provision, consider moving to a place where such legal measures are in place. This seemingly straightforward decision becomes paramount in safeguarding your rights and responsibilities.

Additionally, for those who find themselves traveling, a proactive approach involves checking reputable sources, such as, to ensure compliance with local regulations in the jurisdictions visited. The goal is to avoid unwittingly violating the law and risking legal consequences that could compromise your ability to fulfill your responsibility to protect yourself and those dependent on you.

Tthe fourth rule serves as a vital reminder: if you choose to carry, prioritize legality. Upholding the law not only preserves your individual freedoms but also reinforces the principle that responsible firearm ownership goes hand in hand with compliance and respect for the legal framework.


The fifth rule delves into the imperative of possessing comprehensive knowledge and proficiency when it comes to handling firearms. In the realm of self-defense, gunfights are decided by those who can shoot quickly and accurately, often measured in mere seconds. However, the repercussions extend far beyond the immediate encounter, with legal aftermaths enduring for years and emotional aftermaths resonating throughout a lifetime.

To navigate these multifaceted challenges effectively, it is paramount to invest in thorough education, equipping oneself with the necessary skills to manage all three stages of a confrontation. This entails not only honing shooting abilities but also delving into the intricate dynamics of legal and emotional aftermaths. By arming oneself with profound knowledge beforehand, an individual ensures a heightened level of preparedness that extends beyond the immediate physical aspects of self-defense.

Acquiring proficiency in the comprehensive management of these stages underscores a commitment to responsible firearm ownership. It acknowledges that successful self-defense involves more than mere marksmanship; it requires a nuanced understanding of the legal landscape and an acute awareness of the emotional toll such encounters can exact.

Therefore, rule five advocates for proactive education and training to foster a well-rounded, informed, and capable approach to self-defense, recognizing that true preparedness encompasses more than just the physical act of shooting.


The sixth rule emphasizes the crucial importance of adhering to the concealed nature of carry, especially in areas where local licenses necessitate concealed carry. Concealed means concealed, and any inadvertent exposure of the handgun can be perceived as a threat in various quarters. This lapse may lead to serious legal consequences, including charges of criminal threatening and brandishing, among others.

The potential for false accusations adds an additional layer of complexity. A malevolent individual with ill intentions could falsely accuse you of brandishing a weapon, and the wrongful accusation gains credibility if law enforcement discovers you with a visible gun in the alleged location. Unfortunately, such situations do occur, underscoring the need for vigilance in maintaining the concealed status of the firearm.

While some jurisdictions permit “open carry,” the sixth rule cautions against this practice in most circumstances. While supporting the right to open carry in appropriate times and places, the rule highlights the practical reality that ideal situations for open carry are relatively few. In many instances, open carry can inadvertently and predictably alarm individuals who have no reason to feel threatened, emphasizing the importance of discretion and full concealment in the interest of public safety and individual well-being.


The seventh rule underscores the critical necessity of maximizing familiarity with firearms. In the event that you find yourself in a situation where your firearm becomes indispensable, the occurrence will likely unfold with swift and severe intensity, demanding a rapid and decisive response. Failing to do so not only jeopardizes your own safety but also places those you care about at risk, as you handle a potentially lethal weapon in their presence.

To confront such exigencies effectively, it is imperative to make gun manipulation second nature. This involves honing the trifecta of skills encompassing safety, draw-fire, and hitting the target. These elements must become ingrained in muscle memory, ensuring that in high-stress situations, your response is not only swift and sure but also instinctive.


The eighth rule directs attention to the imperative of understanding the nuanced aspects of firearm ownership and self-defense. It discourages a cursory approach, urging individuals not to rely solely on headlines or editorials but to delve into the fine print. This involves a comprehensive study of the laws within one’s jurisdiction, recognizing that legalities surrounding firearms can vary significantly from one place to another. Prohibitions at the city level may exist even if the state permits certain practices.

The rule underscores the importance of familiarity with local regulations, emphasizing that what may be legal in one jurisdiction might not be permissible in another. Cities might enforce restrictions that differ from state-level regulations. Adhering to the principle that “ignorance of the law is no excuse,” rule eight advocates for a proactive and informed approach to legal considerations associated with firearm ownership and self-defense.


The ninth rule underscores the critical importance of selecting an appropriate firearm for self-defense. Drawing an analogy, it likens a Vespa motor scooter to a motor vehicle — functional but inadequate as a family car. Similarly, while a .22 or .25 caliber firearm qualifies as a weapon, it is deemed a suboptimal choice for defense purposes. Rule nine advocates for the adoption of a firearm loaded with ammunition that boasts a proven track record of swiftly halting lethal assaults.

A key piece of advice is embedded in the rule: if the chosen caliber is not commonly used by police or military forces, it may lack the necessary stopping power for its intended purpose. This insight encourages individuals to make informed decisions about their firearm selection, leaning toward options that have demonstrated efficacy in real-world situations.


The tenth rule highlights the paramount importance of employing common sense as an unwavering guide and companion when carrying a firearm. This directive emphasizes the need for a practical approach rooted in ethics, logic, and adherence to the law, rather than succumbing to idealism or rhetoric.

The rule underscores the weighty responsibility that comes with carrying a gun – the power of life and death. This potent capability is entrusted solely to those who demonstrate responsibility, a deep regard for consequences, and a profound respect for the sanctity of life, both their own and that of others. The essence of rule ten lies in recognizing that wielding such power demands a level-headed and conscientious mindset, grounded in the principles of human safety and ethical considerations.


Navigating the realm of concealed carry demands more than just firearm proficiency; it necessitates a holistic commitment to responsibility, legality, and ethical conduct.

The ten rules presented herein serve as guiding principles, emphasizing the multifaceted aspects of responsible firearm ownership. From prioritizing legality and proficiency to understanding the nuances of the law and exercising common sense, each rule contributes to a comprehensive framework for those who choose to carry concealed.

As we embrace the empowerment that comes with carrying a firearm, let us not forget the weighty responsibility it entails. By adhering to these rules, we fortify our commitment to fostering a safer environment, both for ourselves and the communities we seek to protect.

May these principles serve as a steadfast companion on the journey of responsible concealed carry, ensuring that our actions align with the values of ethics, logic, and respect for life.

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