Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson has spent the days since his recent trip to Russia waxing poetic about his experience in Russia, even raving that Moscow is “so much nicer” as well as “prettier,” “cleaner,” and “safer” than any city in the United States.

Then on Wednesday, Carlson dropped two short videos of him evaluating the a subway station and grocery store in the Russian capital.

“It’s perfectly clean and orderly,” declared Carlson of the former, contrasting it with American metro systems.

“You know Russia is famous for its bread,” asserted Carlson, before stating that “it’s fresh, too” while in the latter. A few moments later he exclaimed, “Look at that!” and then proceeded to groan, sniff another loaf and shout “Come on!” before placing it in his cart.

For this Razzie-worthy performance, Carlson was roasted by conservatives back in the United States.

Columnist Emily Zanotti wondered aloud if Carlson had “never been to Publix?”

“Like, my cheeese department looks bigger than that whole store,” she continued, before calling it “pretty ironic that a guy whose wealth comes from connections to the Swanson fortune, built largely off of selling Americans frozen processed food and the eat-in-front-of-the-TV lifestyle, is complaining about the state of American food consumption.”

“It’s worth pointing out how grotesquely Tucker is recreating actual Soviet propaganda here,” remarked National Review‘s Jeff Blehar. “The Moscow Metro was a showpiece for easily fooled foreigners during the Communist era. And this video hits all the beats, down to ending on a picture of Lenin. Duranty eat your heart out.”

“Bernie Sanders once praised Soviet bread lines as proof no one was starving in Russia. Now, Tucker is in Moscow painting a Potemkin picture of what it is like there and some on the right, mostly for clicks, are cheering it all on,” noted radio host Erick Erickson.

“It is tempting to call him [Carlson] a useful idiot, but he isn’t an idiot. He knows what he is doing. I myself don’t speak Russian, but I think I could read the look on Putin’s face, which said: ‘Good doggie,’” wrote Kevin Williamson for The Dispatch.

“I have seen the future, and it’s a country led by a murderous stronk man, $13k per capita GDP, chronic alcoholism, and 0.7 birth rate, waging endless wars of aggression, and it works,” commented Substack writer David Burge.

“America: where our loudest critics refuse to leave,” he added.

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