Donald Trump made an appearance on Saturday at Sneaker Con in Philadelphia, where he debuted a new shoe and was met with a very loud and rowdy crowd that ranged from booing and cheering to outright crying, and an apparent full gamut of emotions in between.

As the music died down and Trump took to the podium, the noise in the room was tremendous, with shouting, cheering, jeering, booing, and chanting all mixing together in a cacophony that Trump addressed as he spoke, saying emotions were running high in the room.

“Wow! Lot of emotion. There’s a lot of emotion in this room right here,” said Trump. “Thank you!”

He said “we have a few young ladies that are up here crying,” and pointed out one woman in particular, who a few minutes later he brought on stage where she cried about how much she loves him and what a good Christian man he is.

As Trump continued to speak the crowd remained incredibly loud, audible even above the noise suppression of the microphones and some feedback in the sound system.

The crowd was loud before he even came out, as shown in some videos on Twitter.

And after the crying woman left the stage the crowd chanted “USA USA USA” and “Fuck Joe Biden” for a few moments before Trump thanked them for it. “That’s beautiful,” he said.

Watch the clip above via Right Side Broadcasting on Rumble.

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