Peak chaos on the world stage is going to center around the United States presidential elections. It will define conditions in the nation, outside the nation, and the broader game plans of the rich and powerful. The fate of the world in the face of war will be largely dependent on who is in office and what choices they make.

This is particularly true these days since that silly old Declaration of War thing has been tossed out the window. America wages war through a collaboration between the Pentagon and the Executive branch. Period.

The timer is running. The countdown has begun. At any time in the next 10 months you must be prepared for your world to change dramatically.


Democratic Winter Meeting

In the United States we are facing an election where so much is up in the air. There is nothing particularly solid underfoot. The Democrats will have their winter meeting to discuss strategy amongst other things.

It would not be a surprise to Republicans or Democrats if the candidate in the 2024 election was not Joe Biden. What other curveballs could come from this meeting?

Israel Hamas Houthis & the US Military

The declaration of war seems to have been eliminated in the US. We are now trading fire with Iranian proxies on a weekly basis.

We are effectively at war with these groups though we have not voted on it in congress.

Despite pressure from the White House, Israel has no intentions of slowing down their assault.

Related: The Desperate Measures the Government Is Secretly Resorting To

This is a full-scale war that the US refuses to admit it is in and will only add to the chaos abroad and at home.


Iran is watching things very closely. They know their proxies have killed Americans. We know it. The world knows it.  Most of all, the US Military is keeping eyes on Iran and they don’t like it. (source)

This is going to become a bigger issue as the 2024 gathers steam. Something tells me Iran is waiting for a wider war where America won’t be able to focus all its power on punishing the Persians.


Putin’s Election

There is something to be said about the DEVIL YOU KNOW but I am sure most people would like to see Putin dethroned. This is not a likely outcome though the election could create greater strife inside Russia. The public is already up in arms about the prolonged war and conscription.

Steadfast Defender NATO Exercise

To call the Steadfast Defender a major military exercise is an understatement. It is the largest collection of NATO nations, military personnel, and vehicles in any exercise in the 21st century.

We are talking about 90,000 service members, 31 nations, 50 ships, 80 air vehicles and 1100 combat vehicles.

These are the maneuvers that would be used to mount a major attack on Russia. That is why they are practicing. This is one of those situations that could really heat up should anything unexpected happen.


The Paris Olympic Games

If you were a terrorist, could you imagine a better target than the Paris Olympic Games. It’s in Europe, which we know is overrun with terrorists just waiting in the shadows, it’s going to garner massive attention, and with the war in the Middle East it will only embolden the lunatics.

Civil Unrest

As the weather warms, protests will increase. Wars, elections, and discrimination will give rise to even more unrest than what we are witnessing all over the world right now.

? The Only Thing You Should Do When the Biggest Civil Unrest of Our Time Hits Your Town

These events will stretch the resources of the government to their limits.


Russia Hosts BRICS Summit

Russia will be no doubt still sore from the Steadfast Defender will take this opportunity to push forward on BRICS and try to really hurt the West, particularly the US Dollar and its dominance. Protect your wealth. Understand that the US Dollar is part of the greater war and nations want to dethrone it.

Catholic Reexamination of Direction

This story is getting lost in the more exciting talks of war and world leaders but a massive reaffirmation of the Catholic faith, brought on by the Pope, is big news. How much change can the world endure in one year? How much chaos?

This is not a story on your dashboard yet but it very soon will be.

Massive Virus Digital Dark Age

China has staged its malware all throughout the United States’ digital infrastructure. I am sure we have done the same to them. (source)

Still, it could be the big attack waiting to happen. You have to imagine that when China moves on Taiwan they at least want something to hang over the heads of the Americans to give them pause.

Election Day in America

This is that moment when the ball is up in the air and the last seconds are winding down off the clock. What happens in the end? Who comes away with the victory. Truth is we are still not sure what election day might look like. We are not even sure who might be on the ballot for either side.

It will be an exciting day, to say the least but what’s come next will make it all look like a walk in the park.


Remember, the real chaos in America didn’t kick off till after the 2020 election.

We will see very much the same in 2024.

Should Donald Trump be elected president we are going to see calamity in the streets like nothing you have ever seen in America.

The chaos will reach its peak in the AFTERMATH of the 2024 election, particularly if Donald Trump becomes president.

This chaos will also be well funded by other nations and powerful people.

Elections, wars, and grid down chaos seem to be what’s on the menu for the rest of 2024. The countdown to chaos has already begun. I think what most people are struggling with is how much of it is out of their control.

You cannot stop the wars, NATO, the actions of Russia or Iran. There are a ton of things that will happen throughout this countdown that make you feel powerless and maybe even hopeless. That’s just the nature of this life.

Prepping, self-reliance, homesteading, off grid living, these are all things that render immense power unto you and yours. That power grows the more unstable things become.

For a long time, we used to talk about the future and how bad things might get one day. Well, it’s 2024, we are living through those dark times, and they will get darker before things start to get better.

As prepared people we can all be a little light in the darkness. Dig DEEP into preparedness in 2024. It’s an investment that will pay you back 10-fold.

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