In the diverse world of ninja weaponry, one weapon stands out for its mysteriously alluring and deadly precision – throwing spikes. Whether you’re a budding martial arts enthusiast or seasoned warrior, a quality set of throwing spikes is a rewarding purchase. This article will guide you on a journey to understand, choose, and use the best throwing spikes.

What Are Throwing Spikes?

Throwing spikes, also known as Bo-shuriken or Javelin Spikes, are minimalistic yet deadly weapons hailing from ancient Japan. Unlike their more popular cousin, the shuriken, throwing spikes consist of a single, pointed rod typically made from steel or iron. The defining characteristic of these weapons is their design’s simplicity, which makes them immensely easy to carry, hide, and throw effectively.

How to Choose the Best Throwing Spikes?

Material Quality

The quality of your throwing spikes greatly impacts the effectiveness and longevity of the weapon. Stainless steel is a popular choice due to its durability and rust-resistant properties.

Size and Weight

The size and weight of throwing spikes significantly influence their range and ability to penetrate targets. Lighter spikes offer greater distance; however, heavier spikes tend to be more accurate and impactful.


Throwing spikes come in a variety of designs, from simple straight rods to intricately carved masterpieces. The design often affects the grip and, as a result, the accuracy of the throw.

The Best Throwing Spikes Available

Defender Xtreme Throwing Spikes

Defender Xtreme’s throwing spikes are renowned for their exceptional balance and precision. Made from high-quality stainless steel, this 12-piece spike set provides superior durability and performance.

Screamfly Throwing Spikes

Screamfly offers a beautifully crafted set of throwing spikes that are perfect for both beginners and advanced practitioners. These spikes feature a sleek design and fantastic durability, standing as a testament to the brand’s dedication to quality.

Smith & Wesson SWTK8CP Throwing Spikes

Smith & Wesson’s SWTK8CP is a standout among throwing spikes. These spikes offer reliable weight distribution, excellent penetration capabilities, and unparalleled longevity, making them a top choice among serious practitioners.


Investing in the best throwing spikes can significantly elevate your martial arts training. Remember, the right material, size, weight, and design are all crucial factors in picking the perfect set. Whether you choose Defender Xtreme, Screamfly, or Smith & Wesson’s SWTK8CP, you’re bound to enjoy a rewarding and fulfilling throwing spike experience.