The IDF said on Monday that it has a shortage of tanks after many were damaged in the war ammunition was also in short supply, the military said in court filings in response to a motion brought before the Supreme Court by female Armored Corps fighters, demanding to be deployed to the fighting in Gaza.

According to the filing, the military chief of staff decided to delay incorporating women in fighting positions until November 2025 due to the severe shortage in the Armored Corps arsenal.

A tanks in the Armored Corps during the fighting in Gaza

(Photo: Amir Cohen / Reuters )

This is the first time that the IDF has openly admitted to a shortage of equipment and munitions as well as officers and enlisted men after many were killed or injured since the war broke out in October.

“The number of operational tanks in the corps is insufficient for the needs of the war and for conducting experiments of the deployment of women,” the IDF wrote in its response to the court. “We are working to increase the arsenal. The IDF has been recruiting extraordinarily large numbers to replace the missing soldiers and cannot allocate manpower for such experiments while the war continues. “

Women who served and commanded on tanks deployed to the Gaza border on October 7, were instrumental in repelling terrorists from communities overrun in the Hamas massacre. They showed incredible bravery and were cited for their bravery and initiative. However, their demand to be added to the corps’ deployment in Gaza, has thus far been rejected, leading them to appeal to the Supreme Court.