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By the editor of How to Survive During Dangerous Times

America as we know it today was built by immigrants. Our beautiful cities, our farms, our charming small towns, our industries…it all started from folks who came from someplace else. I’m not against legal immigration at all. But what is happening to us right now is an out-of-control open border invasion that is letting anyone in, and it’s resulting in a wave of violent migrant crime that is endangering everyone.

While I’m sure some people are coming to the US to build a better life, what we’re seeing is absolutely not that. We’re seeing people who have no intention whatsoever of integrating into our country commit horrifying crimes. And even worse, our tax dollars are rewarding these people who enter the country illegally.

We are really going to have to up our skills and secure our homes to get through this.

Just in the past few days, a couple of events have captured the nation’s attention.

A Venezuelan gang took over an apartment complex.

In Aurora, Colorado, several apartment complexes have been violently commandeered by a group of heavily armed Venezuelans, according to a report by the NY Post.

Those responsible are part of the Venezuelan prison gang, Tren de Aragua, which Jose warned us about ages ago.

Some of the buildings have been shut down over code violations because the owners cannot get in to make needed repairs.

The apartment investor said they’ve “lost control” of several apartments in the area to the gang, which has been renting out units to migrants under “threat.”

“They were first hanging out around the property and creating a bad element that’s constantly there. And then they started taking over, quite a few months ago, they started taking over vacant units.”

But don’t worry. The cops are on it.

The Aurora Police Department acknowledged it is “aware that components of [Tren de Aragua] are operating in Aurora,” saying that the police force “has been increasingly collecting evidence to show the gang is connected to crimes in the area.”

Terrified families are getting out as fast as they can, but as everyone knows, moving is expensive. Here is perhaps the most ironic part of the entire situation:

They finally were able to pack up their stuff and leave with the help of Aurora City Council member Danielle Jurinsky, who has been outspoken about the influx of alleged members of the Venezuelan prison gang Tren de Aragua in the suburb of 390,000.

“The city nonprofits have lined up to help the migrants that have come here but nobody is helping the Americans that are trapped in these apartment complexes,” Jurinsky told the news station. “[And] this isn’t just Americans. Other Venezuelans are being extorted by this gang.”

Denver and Aurora have seen the influx of a flood of tens of thousands of migrants after Denver became a “sanctuary city.”

Migrants are trying to board school buses full of children.

In San Diego County, California, there have been at least two incidents in which large groups of migrants tried to get on school buses full of children.

Fox News described the incidents:

The first incident occurred along the Route A route near the intersection of Highway 94 and Cochera Via Tuesday afternoon. According to Bystedt, a group of three men were walking in the middle of the highway trying to stop one of the buses, prompting it to “go around” the group.

A Route B school bus then came upon a group of about 20 people Wednesday morning as it was picking students up from the same stop, Bystedt said. Parents present at the site helped the bus driver ensure students were safe and that no one boarded the bus.

Bus drivers have managed both times to keep them off the buses and keep the children safe, but the incidents were so alarming that Jamul-Dulzura Union Superintendent Liz Bystedt had to send parents a letter.

Bystedt added

“…for the safety of students and bus drivers” buses will drive past stops with migrants nearby, heading directly to the next one on the route.

“Please stay [vigilant] and if the bus drives by, please follow the bus to pick up your child at the next stop,” she told families in the emailed notice.

But don’t worry.

Local sheriffs have investigated and found that no crime was committed, and the groups were just confused by the buses filled with elementary-aged students.

These incidents come after multiple other events across the country.

We’ve seen murders, violent crimes, cops shot in NYC by migrants, and migrants quickly released on their own recognizance after committing crimes. We’ve seen a migrant dude go on TikTok and explain how to commit invasions and squat in privately owned homes in America.

Meanwhile, they’re getting tons of outrageous benefits.

ZeroHedge reports that in 2023, approximately $150 billion in taxpayer money was paid out in services and support for migrants. Contrast that with the meager $700 per person that our own citizens in Hawaii received after losing everything in the Lahaina fires.

The government of California seems utterly intent on destroying the state.

Assembly Bill 1840, which now goes to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s desk, would allow undocumented immigrants to apply alongside other qualified applicants for the California Dream for All Shared Appreciation Loans program. The program offers no-interest loans of up to $150,000 to cover down payments and fees.

Oregon is likewise offering $30,000 toward new homes for migrants.

But, hey, good luck getting a home in those expensive locales if you’re an American citizen.

In Maine, migrants can get up to two years of free housing. NYC has committed $77 million to hotels in the city to house migrants.

It’s utterly out of control.

And it’s going to get even worse if our Border Czar becomes president.

Kamala Harris has been “Border Czar,” a fact that has been conveniently memory-holed, during the biggest migrant crisis in American history. During this time, she never once visited the border.

House Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Mark E. Green, MD (R-TN) wrote an op-ed for the NY Post explaining that yes, she WAS in fact the “Border Czar” and was totally ineffective at the position. He writes:

On her watch, Customs and Border Protection has recorded approximately 10 million illegal immigrant encounters nationwide, and more than 8 million encounters at the Southwest border.

Additionally, roughly 2 million known gotaways have evaded Border Patrol agents since fiscal year 2021. Encounters at official ports of entry have exploded, from just under 20,000 in January 2021 to more than 117,000 in June 2024.

But don’t worry. She promises that when she’s President instead of Border Czar it’ll all be different.

We need only look at Europe to see what’s coming for our nation if we don’t get control of these open borders. And for now, we can still talk about it freely, but if we go the way of the UK, posts like this one would have me jailed longer than a migrant who kills people with a machete. I wouldn’t get released without bail like those Venezuelans who attacked a cop in NYC.

What the heck are the folks in charge thinking?

What are your thoughts?

Have you seen an uptick in migrants in your area? Are there other migrant crimes of which you are aware that aren’t being covered by the media? Are you concerned about our border security?

Let’s talk about it in the comments section.

About Daisy

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, adventure-seeking, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty; 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived; and 3) PreppersDailyNews.com, an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. Her work is widely republished across alternative media and she has appeared in many interviews.

Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books, 12 self-published books, and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses at SelfRelianceand Survival.com You can find her on FacebookPinterestGabMeWeParlerInstagram, and Twitter.