Hello again, it’s Brian Stelter — yes, really.

I am thrilled to share that I am returning as the lead author of CNN’s Reliable Sources newsletter, the digest I founded in 2015.

But this is not going to be a “Back to the Future” remake. The media industry has matured, CNN has evolved, and I have changed a lot since I signed off two years ago. I loved my old life as the anchor of a Sunday morning show but, to borrow some lingo from my video game blogger days, I finished that level of the game. Time for new levels, new challenges.

I’m returning to CNN in a brand new role as Chief Media Analyst, which means I’ll be appearing on air, developing digital content, and helming this newsletter. It will be different, because I am different.

I always scoffed at people who said “getting fired was the best thing that’s ever happened to me” — until, well, it happened to me. After 20+ years as a news junkie, I changed my habits and tuned out for a bit. I also changed my vantage point, moving from Manhattan to a horse farm near one of Donald Trump’s golf clubs. I experienced the news more like an everyday consumer, and in doing so, I learned a whole lot about the attention economy and the information ecosystem. I’m looking forward to sharing what I learned with you.

I was incredibly lucky to have time as a stay-at-home dad. In the hours when 7-year-old Sunny and 5-year-old Story were at school, I tried on a variety of other hats: Harvard fellow, BBC talking head, magazine writer. I authored a book, and more importantly had time to read lots of others’ books. I wrote for more than 20 publications, from The Atlantic to WIRED, and learned about the ups and downs of freelance life. And I hosted a podcast for Vanity Fair, “Inside the Hive,” which I will continue to lead through the end of the year.

All the while I remained an avid reader of Reliable Sources, and especially admired Oliver Darcy’s fearless reportage, as well as his decision to launch Status last month. I’m rooting for Oliver and, as I have told him personally, I think we’re going to complement each other wonderfully.

With the help of incredible CNN colleagues on the media beat like Hadas Gold, Jon Passantino and Liam Reilly, I want to reimagine the Reliable Sources digest and deliver what you value most. Everyone and everything is a source now. So what’s reliable?

Reliable Sources will officially relaunch on Monday, September 9, but before then I want to hear from you. What do you want to know about the wide world of media? Which sources do you rely on, and why? What do you wish would change? Send me your questions, ideas and observations via email here.

I’m going to spend the next few days getting my kids ready for a new school year and obtaining a brand new CNN badge.

See you in your inbox or on your screen(s) soon.
