Here are 10+ super benefits of broccoli! Does your family love broccoli or at least doesn’t mind having it for dinner every now and then? If your answer was yes, you should definitely consider making it one of your regular side dishes when you’re meal planning each week. Why? Well, for starters, broccoli is considered to be a superfood that’s filled with vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants while still being low in calories.

With that said, the edible green vegetable that somewhat resembles a miniature tree is a powerhouse that can provide your family with several health benefits that simply can’t be ignored. Keep reading to find out what some of the benefits of broccoli are and why it’s considered to be one of the healthiest foods in the world.  Broccoli: Everything You Need to Know

10+ Super Benefits of Broccoli

Fresh Broccoli is Nutrient Dense

I may already sound like a broken record, but I can’t stress it enough! Broccoli is jam-packed with vitamins, minerals, and bioactive compounds that can truly benefit your health as you consider ways to improve your family’s nutrition. This vegetable is absolutely stuffed with vitamins, especially vitamins C and K. In fact, broccoli has a significantly higher amount of vitamin C than even oranges contain. With just a single cup of broccoli, you will have reached your total required intake of vitamin K for the day. 

Besides these crucial vitamins, broccoli also contains traces of vitamin B and vitamin A. There’s fairly high fiber content, as well as minerals like potassium, phosphorus, selenium, and a few others. All of these nutrients work effectively in providing you with several health benefits that I’ll get to in a sec. 

Raw or Cooked?

As you already know, broccoli can be enjoyed when eaten as raw broccoli or when you decide to cook it. But you’ll get the most nutrients and health benefits when you choose to consume them raw. There are several different ways that you can cook broccoli, whether you choose to steam, boil, microwave, or stir-fry them. If you’re looking for the healthiest way to go about cooking them and where they’ll retain the most nutrients, steaming your broccoli is the best way to go.

Health Benefits of Broccoli 

Alright, let’s get to what you’ve all been dying to discover! These are several health benefits of broccoli that can change your health and your life for the better:

Reduces the Risk for Certain Types of Cancer

The antioxidants and vitamin C that broccoli contains have anti-cancer properties that can help reduce the risk of certain forms of cancer, like lung, bladder, stomach, prostate, and colorectal. Studies have also shown that compounds like glucoraphanin and Indole-3-Carbinol found in broccoli can aid in protecting your body from not just cancers but other diseases as well. 10 Healthy Foods Under $1

Improves Digestion 

Broccoli consumption will provide you with a good amount of dietary fiber for your gut which helps to improve digestion and keep things running smoothly. The presence of fiber in foods is essential since it helps to keep things moving in your digestive system while also promoting regularity. Consuming adequate amounts of fiber on a daily basis can help reduce constipation as well as several other issues related to digestion. High-Calorie Foods for Emergencies

Reduces Inflammation

Broccoli florets are rich in antioxidants which can help to reduce inflammation in your body, including diseases that are caused by inflammation. The anti-oxidants in broccoli help neutralize cell damage often caused by the free radicals found in your body. This vegetable also contains a significant amount of omega-3 fatty acids which have anti-inflammatory properties as well. With that said, adding broccoli to your diet will help reduce the pain and swelling associated with inflammatory conditions like osteoarthritis and other forms of joint pain. The Best Chicken And Broccoli Casserole

Helps You Control Blood Sugar Levels

Due to its fiber content, eating broccoli can help to slow the absorption of sugar in your bloodstream. The vegetable is also low on the glycemic index which means that it will not cause drastic spikes or drops in your blood sugar levels like other foods often do which is great news for those struggling with diabetes. Thus, broccoli makes an excellent choice for anyone looking to eat healthier and maintain stable energy levels throughout the day. Your overall health is better by consuming different types of broccoli. Broccoli Cashew Salad

Supports a Healthy Heart

Broccoli is packed with heart-healthy nutrients like potassium, vitamin C, and omega-3 fatty acids that help reduce the chance of heart disease. All of these work together to help reduce high blood pressure as well as the buildup of cholesterol levels in your arteries. This may ultimately help protect you from developing serious cardiovascular diseases like stroke or coronary artery disease. The Best Broccoli Bacon Salad Recipe

Support Healthy Brain Function

The antioxidants and Vitamin K found in broccoli can help to keep your brain healthy. This vegetable will also provide you with a good amount of choline which helps to build the structure of cell membranes. This is important since it allows for efficient communication between the cells within your body as well as helps to preserve the memory function in your brain.  The 5 Basic Things You Need to Survive

Promotes a Healthier Immune System

Broccoli is filled with vitamins and minerals that help to boost your immune system. Vitamin C in particular is necessary for a healthy functioning immune system, so you’ll be doing yourself (and your family!) a big favor by adding broccoli to your weekly meal plan. 

Healthier Bones and Joints 

The Vitamin K found in broccoli will help to promote bone health and stronger joints. It helps in the absorption of calcium which is crucial for strong and healthy bones. Broccoli also contains several other minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc which work together to keep your joints functioning properly. 

Protect You From Skin Damage

The vitamins and antioxidants found in broccoli can help to protect your skin from damage caused by UV radiation. This means that this vegetable can help keep your skin looking healthy and young longer while also protecting you from developing certain types of skin cancer. Protecting your skin from damage is one of the numerous health benefits of eating these leafy greens! Symptoms of a Vitamin D Deficiency

Other Benefits of Broccoli 

  • Help you fight against cancer prevention: breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, and colon cancer. Your risk of cancer is lowered when you eat broccoli.  
  • Eating broccoli and Brussels sprouts can give you heart health and healthy skin! 
  • Broccoli has also been known to help the aging process be a little nice to you! You may even experience better eye health with your body converting the beta-carotene in broccoli to vitamin A, vital for eye health. It MAY reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. 
  • There are essential nutrients in broccoli so that you can live a better life, get healthy, and stay healthy! 

More Broccoli Recipes

Are there some possible side effects from eating a lot of broccoli?

Broccoli contains a lot of necessary vitamins, including vitamin K. This vitamin is a critical part of the chemical makeup of your blood and affects the blood’s ability to clot, a necessary attribute for the healing of the body. For people who are on a prescription blood thinner like Warfarin/Coumadin to keep the blood properly flowing and not clotting, having too much vitamin K can interfere with the medication. Be sure to check with your doctor if you are on blood thinners.

Also, broccoli has been known to adversely affect the proper functioning of the thyroid gland in some people. If you’re currently on thyroid medication, possibly as part of hormone therapy, again, check with your doctor to see if you should eliminate or reduce broccoli as part of your diet.

Final Word 

As you can see, there’s no doubt that broccoli is one of the healthiest foods on the planet and should become an essential part of your weekly meal plan. Make sure to get creative when it comes to cooking and eating broccoli since they can be enjoyed raw or cooked in different ways! What did you find most interesting as far as health benefits go when it comes to eating broccoli? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below! May God Bless this World, Linda

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