Donald Trump got offered some legal advice by O.J. Simpson following news that the former president was being indicted over his handling of classified documents.

“Hello, Twitter world,” Simpson said in his signature Twitter greeting on Friday. Before jumping into sports talk, Simpson mentioned Trump’s indictment.

“I’m going to share some advice that I got from some of the greatest legal minds of our generation, of my lifetime,” he said, then running through notable lawyers who have represented him in the past including Alan Dershowitz and the late Johnnie Cochran.

“The one thing they all told me and stressed to me: do not talk about the case publicly. Do not do interviews about the case. The Bakers threatened to quit if I did that,” Simpson said.

Trump frequently posts about his legal troubles on Truth Social. He revealed he’d been summoned to appear in Miami court on Tuesday following the indictment news there and confirmed on Friday he was no longer represented by two of his lawyers. The pair resigned.

It’s not clear if Simpson was aware of this news at the time of the video, but he suggested Trump sue his attorneys for not advising him to stay quiet.

“My point is I don’t know if Donald’s lawyers are stressing this to him. If not, they should be fired and he should sue them,” Simpson said.

The former NFL star has plenty of experience in the legal system. He was found not guilty in the murder of his wife Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman after being charged in 1994. He was later found liable for the deaths in a civil trial.

He was also convicted in 2008 on robbery and kidnapping charges. He was paroled in 2017 and now resides in Florida.