SurvivalBlog presents another edition of The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods. This column is a collection of news bits and pieces that are relevant to the modern survivalist and prepper from JWR. Our goal is to educate our readers, to help them to recognize emerging threats, and to be better prepared for both disasters and negative societal trends. You can’t mitigate a risk if you haven’t first identified a risk. In today’s column, we look at an upcoming landmark Supreme Court decision.

Supreme Court Likely to Overturn Chevron Deference

A very lengthy and detailed judicial update by Harold Finch, over at the UncoverDC news, podcast, and commentary site: VanDerStock v Garland: The Judicial Eradication of Biden’s Signature Gun Control. A brief quote:

“The decision in VanDerStock v Garland is the second major shoe to drop. Judge Reed O’Conner ruled that the ATF illegally rewrote the previously accepted definitions of frames and receivers that were in use and accepted since the 1968 GCA, just as a Federal court ruled the ATF had done with bump stocks in Cargill v Garland.”

JWR’s Comments: The impact of the “history, text, and tradition” test of the 2022 Bruen decision is just starting to be felt in the Federal appellate courts.  It is now obvious that the handwriting is on the wall for the vast majority of Federal gun laws. That includes most or all of The National Firearms Act of 1934 and the Gun Control Act of 1968. When Chevron deference inevitably falls, then arbitrary Federal agency rulemaking will come to an end. Freedom is on the march!

Alert: Sunspot Activity Rising reports:  “A HYPERACTIVE SUNSPOT: New sunspot AR3372 is seething with activity. In the last 24 hours alone it has produced eight M-class solar flares…  …If current trends continue, we should expect more strong M-class flares during the next 24 hours with a chance of X-flares as well. This sunspot will become even more geoeffective in the days ahead as it continues to turn toward Earth.”

JWR’s Comment: This might be a good time to disconnect radio antennas and store your spare radios, phones, and computers in Faraday containers. Be ready to disconnect from grid power, if there are any more concrete warnings.

Gavin Newsom Wants a Gun Control Constitutional Convention

The New American reports: Gavin Newsom & the Gun Control Convention.

Landslide Destroys Luxury Homes in Southern California

From McNewspaper (USA Today): Landslide destroys luxury homes in Southern California neighborhood: ‘Can actually hear the snap, crackle, and pop‘.

Six Dead in Helicopter Crash Near Mount Everest

Six dead in helicopter crash near Mount Everest. The news story begins:

“Six people, including a Nepalese pilot, were killed in a helicopter crash near Mount Everest on Tuesday, local officials said.

Five tourists — all Mexican nationals — were onboard a sightseeing aircraft when it crashed near Lamjura Pass in the Solukhumbu District, the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal said.”

How to Survive a Blackout in a Heat Wave

Some fairly basic advice, published by HeatMap: How to Survive a Blackout in a Heat Wave.

Biden Admits US is Low on Ammunition

Republicans tear into Biden for admitting the US is low on ammunition after agreeing to send controversial cluster munitions to Ukraine to improve their supplies.

And over at The Gateway Pundit: “Dragging Us Further Toward World War III”: Trump Condemns Biden Sending Cluster Bombs to Ukraine.

Why The Left Hates Sound of Freedom

Linked over at the news aggregation site: Sound of Freedom – I Know Why the Left Hates This Movie.