The threat of an EMP or CME is always present, and many preppers are taking matters into their own hands to prepare for these events.

The basic building blocks of our EMP survival stockpiles are well known and are the first things we acquire.

When you have all the water, food, backup power, and everything else you think you’ll need, there are probably a few more items you have not considered.

I have compiled a short list of some items that you may be missing from your stockpile.

Hand Operated Tools

We rely on many power tools when building projects around the home. After the grid goes down, there will still be many things that need repairing or building for which you’ll need tools.

Most of us probably have a supply of battery-operated power tools and the backup power to charge those batteries. What happens if the EMP takes out your backup power source or destroys your power tools?

Related: EMP Prevention Plan: Why Our Government Has Done Nothing

For every power tool, you should try to have a manual equivalent.

There may not be a good manual option for larger tools like table saws, router tables, radial arm saws, or bench grinders. That being said, there are a lot of basic hand tools that you should include in your stockpile.

  • Hand saws of various sizes and tooth patterns
  • Hand drills and drill bits
  • Hand planes
  • Hammer and nails
  • Screwdrivers

One good way to find out what you might need to add to your preps is to look at all the tools you own that require power and look for a manual equivalent.

EMP Cloth

The EMP Cloth is a specialized material engineered to effectively shield against all forms of electromagnetic waves.

When you wrap any object with it, it provides protection against the destructive impact of an EMP, offering the most straightforward safeguarding solution I’ve encountered for crucial electronic devices.

The EMP Cloth safeguards your electronics from the E1, E2, and E3 waves of an EMP, as well as shielding them from a CME, also known as a solar EMP, which our planet is presently overdue for.

Manual Generators

Gas and solar generators are a staple in the preparedness space.

We should all have these items in case the grid fails.

These backup power sources may be disabled by an EMP or CME and unavailable when you need them most.

Many human-powered generators are on the market today that would be a great addition to any EMP kit. These won’t do much to power your home, but they can keep batteries topped up while giving you some exercise.

You can also build wind turbines or water wheels that will offer a source of off-grid power. Often you can make these with easily obtained parts for a low cost. You don’t need to construct the devices now; you can set the components aside in case you need them.

Hard Copies

The problem with an online world is that too much important information is trapped on hard drives or the cloud. All your important documents need to have a hard copy or two printed and stored somewhere safe.

This should also include things that you may not have thought much about.

Recipes are something that many of us go online for. Gone are the days of cookbooks; we can simply use Google to tell us how to make dinner. Printing all your favorite family recipes is worthwhile so you can continue to cook decent food after the grid fails.

If you want a book filled with recipes for long-lasting survival foods, consider getting The Lost Super Foods. Everything in this book is explained in a clear, precise, step-by-step fashion, accompanied by colored pictures and easy-to-follow instructions.

Contact lists are another thing you should make a hard copy of. An EMP may not mean that the grid is down forever, and having a list of your family contacts will make things a little easier when re-establishing communication.

Passwords and account details are also essential to have a hard copy for when the grid returns online.

Manual Coffee Maker

I love my Nespresso and Keurig coffee machines, but they will not be particularly useful when the grid goes down.

A way to make a cup of coffee without plugging a machine in will mean that you can still get your morning caffeine fix even during the apocalypse.


There are many survival books and other valuable reference books on the market. You should have a library of as many reference books as you can.

Think about what information you would want to use the internet to find after SHTF and pick up a book containing that information. A few examples of the types of books and manuals you should stockpile are:

  • First aid and other medical reference books
  • DIY books for construction, electrical, and plumbing.
  • Books on welding, fabrication, or mechanical trades
  • Manuals for all your equipment and appliances
  • Repair manuals for vehicles, equipment, and appliances
  • Books on primitive skills
  • Military field manuals

We should all be preparing for an EMP, but there has not been a case where an EMP has been used on a population that we can learn from.

The best way to get your stockpiles built up enough to keep your family safe and secure after the grid goes down is to take the time now to carefully consider each aspect of it and ask yourself what can be improved or what may be missing.

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