The screening is scheduled to take place in front of a curated audience, featuring Hollywood celebrities and prominent figures

Israeli actress Gal Gadot is making efforts to illuminate the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip by organizing a screening of a 47-minute video provided by the IDF spokesperson. 

The video serves as a damning record of the atrocities perpetrated by Hamas terrorists against Israeli communities surrounding Gaza on October 7. 

The screening is scheduled to take place in front of a curated audience, featuring Hollywood celebrities and prominent figures.

KENA BETANCUR / AFPL’actrice israélienne Gal Gadot

He also emphasized the diverse audience for the screening, stating, “People who have film experience, so we can show them this crazy document that is reminiscent of the films created about the Holocaust.” 

The plan is to have one screening initially for 120 spectators, with the possibility of further screenings depending on the interest it generates.

The video’s content is known for being deeply disturbing, making it a challenging watch for many. The footage has already been viewed by hundreds of foreign journalists and members of the Israeli Knesset. 

Some Knesset members were so overwhelmed by the video’s content that they left the screening mid-view.

Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, arranged a unique screening of the video for a select audience, including high-ranking ambassadors and diplomats. He expressed his dedication to raising international awareness about the horrors committed by Hamas, with the aim of “reminding the world that we are facing a terrorist organization whose goal is the destruction of Israel.