SurvivalBlog presents another edition of The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods. This column is a collection of news bits and pieces that are relevant to the modern survivalist and prepper from JWR. Our goal is to educate our readers, to help them to recognize emerging threats, and to be better prepared for both disasters and negative societal trends. You can’t mitigate a risk if you haven’t first identified a risk. In today’s column, a Ukranian source document on anti-drone tactics.

PDF: Ukranian Military Anti-Drone Tactics

Our Editor-At-Large Michael Z. Williamson sent us this public domain document, to house on the SurvivalBlog server: GUIDELINES: FIGHT AGAINST UNMANNED AIRCRAFT. To the best of my knowledge, SurvivalBlog is the first English language website to make this document available online.

ATF Enters New Rule into Federal Register

The ATF had its new  “Engaged in the Business” ruling entered into the Federal Register on April 19th.  That infamous date was predictable.  The ATF has a long memory, and they relish reminding the American people of their inferno massacre. The massive new rule will take effect on Monday, May 20, 2024.  As I’ve mentioned before: The clock is ticking.  Stock up!  For folks in 34 of the 50 states, this is your last chance to privately buy any modern (post-1898) guns that you need to round out your collection.  See how many gun shows you can get to, before May 20th!

Another “Urban Youth” Gang Shootout

On Saturday, there was another shootout, this time at a “block party” in Memphis, It was reportedly “gang-related.”  This got very little media attention, obviously because it does not match The Official Narrative on “mass shootings.”

An Alex Newman Interview on the UN’s Agenda

Reader Mak X. suggested this 40-minute  video interview: UN Plans Tyrannical Future for You – Alex Newman.

An Artificial Intelligence Apocalypse?

From science and technology commentator A.J. Gentile’s Why Files: Artificial Intelligence Out of Control: The Apocalypse is Here — How AI and ChatGPT End Humanity.

Changes in Earth’s Magnetic Field

Earth’s magnetic field shields us. But it can move and flip.

Government’s ‘Wetlands’ Campaign To Face a Court Test

Over at WND: Government’s forced ‘wetlands’ campaign now facing constitutional challenge. Here is a quote:

“While well-intentioned, this conservation scheme is unconstitutional. The government cannot condition benefits on the waiver of a constitutional right—in this case, the Fifth Amendment right to be compensated when the government takes some or all of your land. If welfare recipients had to promise to never criticize the government to receive welfare benefits, it would be plainly unconstitutional. Why should farmers’ rights be any different?”

10 States Enact 2nd Amendment Financial Privacy Act

Over at the INW Report: 10 States and Counting: 2nd Amendment Financial Privacy Act.

A pericope:

“Ten states – and counting – have passed a bill called the “2nd Amendment Financial Privacy Act,” to nullify a gun control surveillance scheme in practice and effect.

More on that good news in a moment. First, some background.

Would you be surprised to learn that this gun control program has its roots in the IRS?

Same. We weren’t either.

Back in 2004, the IRS launched the use of something called a “Merchant Category Code” or an MCC, as a way to classify different types of businesses and identify the types of goods or services that a company sells.

Companies that accept payments by credit card are categorized with an MCC for their business type.

It was, of course, sold as a improvement for better tax reporting, and is still touted, as CNBC put it, as a tool to help “prevent things ranging from fraud to human trafficking.”

But never forget. When government and its supporters tell you “it’s for your safety,” it usually means “so we can control you.”

Soon, gun-grabbers figured out that a special MCC could be created for a business selling firearms, thus – another de-facto gun registry that the government could easily access. Some of the worst proposals call for using these codes to flat out ban purchases.”

French Farmers Spraying Manure on Police

And, lastly, an X/Twitter video, by way of the news aggregation site: French farmers spraying manure on police. To borrow the modern parlance:  “This manure just got real.”

You can send your news tips to JWR. (Either via e-mail or via our Contact form.) Thanks!