What the future Royal Family looks like has been conjured up with AI which has created images of the Firm set in 30 years time.

French journalists at Paris Match were behind the idea, who speculated how the lives of Prince William, Kate Middleton and their offspring pan out.

As part of their predictions, Prince William became King but abdicated in 2049, making way for Prince George to take the crown, reports MailOnline.

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In Paris Match’s hypothetical future, Prince George becomes King in 2050, and with that, Kate the new Queen Mother.

Prince George’s coronation is a lavish affair, in part due to a public “addicted to historical fiction on Netflix ”.

In one notable difference to now, Paris Match has imagined that the bagpipes that woke the late Queen Elizabeth up no longer wake the sleeping monarch, after King Charles canned the tradition during his reign. Instead, just like the rest of us, King George is woken by an alarm on his iPhone, which reminds him to take the “first” selfie of the day.

Pierrick Geais wrote for French Match: “The centuries-old tradition – so dear to Elizabeth II – did not survive Charles III. In his bed, George VII painfully opens his eyes to the first vibrations of his iPhone, the 45th of the name.

“Barely awake, not yet having his hair done, the king is called to order by imperious notifications: ‘It is time, my lord, to publish the first selfie of the day.

“From now on, the sovereign must document his day, hour by hour, on social networks to satisfy his followers… well, his subjects.”

In the AI-created pictures, the Princess of Wales as the Queen Mother, has aged remarkably well, and has adopted a Queen Elizabeth-style hair do, to frame her still beautiful, but somewhat stern, face.

Prince George, in a Coronation image created by AI app Autre, is unrecognisable from his current 10-year-old self, looking rather like an actor playing a role on set.

The French team paired Princess Charlotte off with King Louis-Philippe I descendant Gaston Louis Antoine Marie d’Orleans, marrying the blue-blooded couple in 2046 and reinvigorating the French monarchy.

Prince Harry has returned to the royal fold, divorced from Meghan who has gone on to marry a US senator who goes on to become president. Back in the UK, he spends his days tending to the gardens at Highgrove House in Gloucestershire.

In the AI image of future Prince Harry, the Duke looks like a younger version of his dad, but with more hair than perhaps either of them do now.

It’s not the first time AI has given Harry more hair. Daily Star created AI images of Western celebrities donning North Korean state sanctioned haircuts, one of which was Harry.

Baring a striking resemblance to Bear Grylls, AI here also gave Harry back what nature had taken away.

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