What are the best gardening tools to have on hand? Whether you are a beginner or an expert gardener, you are going to need the same basic set of tools. This post will cover the five gardening tools that I can’t live without, plus a few additional helpful tools.

If you’re a beginner gardener, know that it’s worth the effort! Your hard work will pay off with the right tools, soil, and advice. You can find lots of gardening tips on my blog for growing food, growing flavor, container and vertical gardening, and much more.

Why Gardening Is Worth the Effort

There is nothing like growing your own vegetables from seedlings and serving them up fresh to your family. Vegetable gardening is a big part of our sustainable way of life here at the Harris household. 

I can’t wait to make ratatouille from our summer harvest of eggplant, squash, and peppers this year. I also can’t live without lots of fresh basil for pesto!

If you’ve followed my blog for a while, you know gardening is not only about the harvest for me. I love to be surrounded by beauty — indoors and outdoors. That includes thriving house and porch plants as well as lush, productive gardens. Gardens can help make your home and yard a place of rest and refuge.

Yet the same basic gardening tools apply whether you are growing food or creating beauty. Just want to cultivate a few stunning flower beds? These tools will serve you well.

Here are the tools every gardener from beginner to expert needs to have on hand.

Hint: Any of these would make an amazing gift for Mother’s Day!

Hand Trowel

A good hand trowel is the workhorse of your garden. It is an essential garden tool for planting, transplanting, and digging small holes. Look for one with a comfortable grip and a sturdy, rust-resistant blade. With a hand trowel by your side, you’ll be able to tackle various gardening projects with ease.

Gardening Hoe

A gardening hoe has many uses. The main one that comes to mind is weeding, but you also use it to break up and aerate the soil and create straight furrows for planting. You can even use a hoe to harvest crops like onions that have long roots.

Pruning Shears

Pruning is essential for maintaining the health and shape of your plants. So of course, a good set of pruning shears is going to be one of your best gardening tools. Most pruners that you’ll see are bypass pruners. This style functions like scissors with one curved blade to cut cleanly through branches.  Invest in a pair that are sharp, ergonomic, and easy to maneuver.

Gardening Rake

Whether you’re leveling soil or spreading mulch, a garden rake is one of the best gardening tools you can have. You probably already have a basic leaf rake, a must-have for just about any yard. For gardening tasks, though, I recommend a bow rake with short, extra-sturdy tines.

Garden Soil Test Kit

A soil test kit is like a roadmap for a gardener. It tells you exactly what your soil needs to support healthy plant growth. For example, it’s important to know whether your soil is missing nutrients or has a sub-optimal pH level. Also see my post on the benefits of eggshells for your garden.

Gardening Gloves

Protect your hands from thorns, blisters, and dirt with a pair of durable garden gloves. Opt for gloves made from breathable materials that provide a good grip without sacrificing comfort. Your hands will thank you as you dig, weed, and handle prickly plants throughout the gardening season.

Stacy Lyn watering her garden with hose

Watering Can or Hose

Proper hydration is essential for the well-being of your plants. Whether you have a small container garden or a sprawling landscape, you’ll need a reliable watering can or hose to deliver moisture where it’s needed most. Look for a watering can with a detachable spout for easy filling and pouring. The best garden hose has an adjustable nozzle for precise watering. Consider a watering wand as well: its rainlike shower is easy on delicate plants.

Wheelbarrow or Garden Cart

When it comes to transporting heavy loads of soil, mulch, or plants, a wheelbarrow or garden cart is indispensable. Choose a sturdy, well-balanced model with pneumatic tires for easy maneuverability over various terrains. With a wheelbarrow or cart you’ll be able to tackle big gardening projects with confidence and efficiency.

Stacy Lyn in t-shirt using wheelbarrow full of debris in garden

Sun Hat, Sunscreen, and Gardening Gloves

Gardening often involves spending long hours outdoors. I don’t know what I’d do without a sun hat during long hours in the garden. Go for a wide-brimmed hat to shield your face and neck. If you use sunscreen, be sure to apply it often to your face and neck. Just as important, wear gardening gloves to protect your hands from dirt and scratches.

Keep It All Organized with a Gardening Bag

Gardening Tote Bag with Accessories (Makes a Great Gift!)

gardening bag with accessories

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