SurvivalBlog presents another edition of The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods. This column is a collection of news bits and pieces that are relevant to the modern survivalist and prepper from JWR. Our goal is to educate our readers, to help them to recognize emerging threats, and to be better prepared for both disasters and negative societal trends. You can’t mitigate a risk if you haven’t first identified a risk. In today’s column, some updates on the war in Ukraine.

Russia is Making Daily Gains in Eastern Ukraine

CNN: Russia is making daily tactical gains in eastern Ukraine, as concerns swirl around Ukrainian military reporting.

Draft-Dodging Plagues Ukraine

Over at the left-wing Politico: Draft-dodging plagues Ukraine as Kyiv faces acute soldier shortage.  An excerpt:

“Ukraine is perilously short not only of ammunition — especially artillery shells and air defense missiles — but also of soldiers to see off a Russian attack. The average age of Ukraine’s frontline soldiers is 43 — and evidence of draft-dodging is mounting.

The BBC recently reported that 650,000 Ukrainian men of fighting age have fled the country in the past two years, most slipping across its borders with Poland and Slovakia, some with false exemption papers allowing them to exit Ukraine despite a ban on fighting-age men leaving the country.”

Life on Ukraine’s Front Line

From Reuters: Life on Ukraine’s front line: ‘Worse than hell’ as Russia advances.

Preppers: Whatever Disaster is Next, They’re Ready

Preppers: Whatever disaster is next, they’re ready.

Ford Reports Loss on Electric Vehicles

Reader Robert H. sent us this: Ford just reported a massive loss on every electric vehicle it sold.

A Northern European ‘Drone Wall’ Against Russia

Baltic states join with Norway, Finland and Poland to build ‘drone wall’ against Russia. A quote:

“The Baltic states announced plans alongside Norway, Finland, and Poland to construct a “drone wall” along their shared borders with Russia on Sunday.

Estonian Interior Minister Lauri Läänemets said the technology is capable of both detecting and repelling drones, adding that his country plans to install the barrier along its entire eastern border as well as around its major cities.”

Why ‘Preppers’ are on the Rise

In England: Gas masks and loo rolls: why ‘preppers’ are on the rise.

Eva Vlaardingerbroek’s Speech at CPAC Hungary

Beautiful Eva Vlaardingerbroek Delivers Historic Speech “The Great Replacement Reality” at CPAC Hungary and Euro Elites Are Losing It.

The $883 Billion Defense Budget Proposal

Linked over at the news aggregation site: At a Glance: Here’s What’s In the House’s $883 Billion Defense Budget Proposal For 2025.

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