I started writing this two months ago, but every time I thought it was finished some new egregious event would occur that forced me to add or modify the following statements. So, I am shutting off any new additions, knowing there are more to appear. Anyway, there are several words or phrases that liberals bandy about and when we hear them, we should be very wary of. I will list a few of them here and explain what they really mean and how we SurvivalBlog readers can counteract them.

‘Ultra MAGA’

The liberals despise the phrase Make America Great Again, and its acronym (MAGA).  So they developed the term “Ultra MAGA” to make anyone pro-MAGA look extremist. This statement is meant to demonize those who have and will soon eagerly vote for Donald Trump and other conservative down-ballot elected officials. Remember, when leading up to a conflict, it is important for the opposition to make their enemies seem less than human, therefore, Ultra MAGA is a dog whistle to liberals to distance themselves from these types of non-human ‘animals.’ Now liberals are positioned to eagerly participate in the elimination of these useless carbon burners and CO2 makers: the Ultramagas.

How do we counteract this hate? We preppers need to continue speaking “the Truth in Love” as God has clearly said he has placed a veil over their eyes in the end times so that a lie is spoken of as truth while the real truth (the Holy Bible) will be spoken of as a lie. Meantime, the election debates have been announced with liberals moderating both of them. We know that President Trump will not easily “speak the truth in love” so we need to bathe him in prayer that will protect him and his words during these debates. Finally, we should often speak the words “Make America Great Again” into their ears whenever we have discussions of politics or cultural values. I hope that is a loving statement…

‘Trump is a Felon’

This now-confirmed statement is meant to dehumanize President Trump, influence the undecided voters of 2024 and justify the outrageous lawfare and riots that will be unleashed on America if the Alpha Ultramaga is elected come November. Meanwhile, Liberals are loving, cavorting and celebrating what they have done to our former President. It is amazing that he still stands for America in the face of all their hatred and unleashed anger. In reality, this is a form of pure evil as described in 1 John 2:16: “Because all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the boastful pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.”
How do we fight this evil? We need to learn the facts of this trial; why New York City was selected, what constitutes a “Jury of your peers”, how was this judge selected, and what legal maneuvering did the judge do to favor the prosecution and achieve the desired trial outcome. We need to be prepared to describe the unfairness and illegality of this trial and its consequences to the undecided voters around us or America may be lost forever.

‘Our Freedoms’

Freedoms to a liberal Democrat or RINO are not the same ideas that conservatives think. We think of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness, of the Bill of Rights, and of the Ten Commandments. Liberals have fought long and hard over the past 50 years to acquire worldly/social freedoms: primarily around Drugs, Sex, and vulgar Entertainment. It is why they hate law-abiding Christians. In fact, it is why they have come up with the concept of ‘Hate Speech’. (See below).

How to fight it? Don’t use the word Freedom, rather use Liberty or Rights. Remember, Biblically speaking, only Jesus provides real freedom, anything else employing the word is a counterfeit.

‘Our Democracy’

Democrats love to talk about ‘our democracy.’ What they really mean is that they do not believe in a Constitutional Republic as America was founded, only in majority rule. Unless, of course, they are no longer in the majority. Historically, major urban areas contain a significant majority of the population and are more liberal, more Democratic, and more eager to demand that the government provide their needs and wants. Rural areas control most of the land mass of America but are a decided minority in the population. In contrast, these are the most independent, conservative groups in America.

Currently, it appears that a majority of voting Americans still believe in the Constitution and equal application of the law to all citizens, even former Presidents. But this probably does not matter because of the multi-layered swamp of social, economic, and political structure we find ourselves in this moment of American history.

Jeffrey Tucker of The Epoch Times has an excellent article on the three-layered swamp we are dealing with right now titled: The 3 Layers of the Technocratic State. The deep state is defined by Mr. Tucker as “the long-operating and largely out-of-public eye intelligence agencies and their cut-outs in the private sector. It is inclusive of security agencies, which means CIA but also some portions of the FBI, NSC, NSA, CISA, DHS, and top brass at the Pentagon.” How do they get away with it? By classifying their documents, emails and operations as Top Secret so they can do whatever they want and then say they never did it.

Next comes the middle state which encompasses the administrative bureaucracy of the Federal government. Invented in 1883 by the Pendleton Act, it has grown to more than 2 million employees and 400 agencies, many of which we have never heard of. As Mr. Tucker states: “Trump… believed that the president was supposed to be in charge, like a CEO or an owner of a company and never was willing to simply play the marionette as others had done, in exchange for plaudits and payoffs.” Trump finally figured out the best way to beat them was to fire them so he issued a series of executive orders to get the middle state under control. But of course, these were immediately litigated by their labor unions in the court system of Washington DC, the only place in the US with more democrats than New York City. The executive orders were struck down by none other than DC District Court judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, who was then awarded with a US Supreme Court appointment for her brave actions in the face of this evil Ultramaga animal.

Finally, the third layer is the shallow state. This is the face of the Triad that the public sees and reacts to. It consists of legacy media outlets like CNN, NYTimes, Washington Post, MSNBC, etc. It also includes the major social media companies like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Reddit, as well as common internet tools like Google, Bing, and Wikipedia. It also includes military contractors and tax-supported academia. And finally, it includes major financial institutions that are beholden to the Federal Reserve, which is really part of the deep state. Mr. Tucker defines these as “captured institutions,” with revolving doors to the deep and middle states.

And Tucker continues,

“If you are seeking to set up and manage a 21st-century [Orwellian] regime, the ideal mechanism of compulsion and coercion is centered in the shallow state, because it is private, consumer-facing, and trusted more than other layers of the state. Every form of coercion can be ‘market washed’ as if these are purely private actions taking place. The strategic objective of any good plan for forcing your will on the unwilling, is to push the agenda from the deep state, through the middle state, and land in the shallow state for distribution to the public. This is because the shallow state is the most effective tool for bringing about results. You want the large corporations and big finance to be the ones to move against political enemies, and you want the major media rather than the agencies to distribute the propaganda. Whatever trust remains is centered on these shallow-state institutions and therefore they are the ones you want to capture to do your bidding.”

What else is involved in this “Our Democracy” mantra? Well, there is also a new book written by Scott Walter titled “Arabella, the Dark Money Network of Leftist Billionaires Secretly Transforming America.” This book exposes what liberals are doing in the name of ‘Our Democracy.’ It describes the dark money trails used to fund compromised far-left prosecutors and district attorneys like Alvin Bragg and Leticia James. Most of this money is now being used to stop President Trump from winning in November. You likely do not know this but Arabella managed $1.2 billion dollars in the 2016 General Election, doubling the fundraising of both the Democratic and Republican National Committees combined. By 2020, the number had doubled to $2.4 billion and it is estimated that Arabella will double again to $4.8 billion contributed dark money allocated to stop Trump at all costs in the 2024 election. These are staggering amounts of dark money with no accountability or limits.

In addition, conservative reporting has lately been focusing on a scheme by liberals to bypass the Constitution’s Electoral College system of electing the President of the US. It is called “National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.” This scheme would make everyone’s vote count the same at the national level, no matter if you live in the city or the country. The Epoch Times has a great podcast describing this scheme. I noticed that the state of Main has just signed on to this compact. This blatant end-around of the Constitution is one of the reasons why liberal schools do not want to teach American History, because it would expose them as being anti-Constitutional. The rural states fought long and hard to help devise the Electoral College system and would have never signed the Constitution without it being in there.

How do we fight this? We should never use the word ‘democracy’ when speaking of America, instead refer to America as a Republic or Constitutional Republic.

(To be concluded tomorrow, in Part 2.)