The short answer is YES.

Preppers are intent on mitigating the effects of both beginnings and endings. This is largely our goal in storing supplies, practicing skills, building communities, and staying up to date on everything from local threats to geopolitical ones.

Prepping is either your lifestyle or your part time job, depending on how you look at it. I prefer the lifestyle angle.

The End of What?

From my point of view, we are witnessing a very serious end. It has been framed a number of ways. In fact, I have never seen so many people simply throw the towel in. The apocalypse could very well be on the horizon and for the most part it seems that some of the most influential people are content to just watch it all burn.

You know, it’s one thing to surrender to the fact that hard times are coming, and we better prepare for them. What has surprised me most, watching doom hit the major headlines, is how many people are just throwing their hands up and saying, “It’s a wrap and there is nothing we can do about it!”

Is This the Beginning of the EndWhat I see rapidly ending before our eyes is the end of DISTRACTION from the true problems of our day. In Roman terms, the bread has gone moldy, and the circuses are no longer exciting.

Since 2020 masses of people have been waking up and its changing things in a very big way.

The mask is slowly being lifted and as more and more people realize this, they are going to react to it. It’s a revolutionary time and we will see revolutions. It is a chaotic time, and we will see chaos.

It is the end of stability like that of the late 20th century.

The Lost Ways and Forgotten Skills

In many ways, we have overshot the goal. Our ancestors wanted nothing more than to create a system that didn’t require things like periods of starvation, indentured servitude, and rampant child mortality. Never forget those things were the norm for most of human history.

We have overshot that goal and abandoned the ways that made us human. We have forgotten the skills that not only helped us survive but also gave us fulfillment.

I think we are seeing the beginning of the end of this CHEAP and EASY period in history. Not only are things getting more expensive, but we are more depressed than ever because we realize that cheap and easy doesn’t really fill your soul.

It’s true we have an economic crisis, a wartime crisis, a food crisis, and various others.

Is This the Beginning of the End

We also have a crisis of meaning in our world. A serious mental health crisis that comes from a life of hollow pursuits.

Living off the land, getting back to The Lost Ways is what more and more people are aspiring to. We are witnessing the beginning of the end of the age of cheap trinkets.

What About the END OF IT ALL?

Here at Ask a Prepper it is hard not to write an article without talking about the collapse of all things. It is hard to deny the fact that the Doomsday clock is closer now to midnight than it has ever been before.

If that metric doesn’t jive with you then you should consider what Vladimir Putin is dealing with at the moment. The Ukrainians have invaded Russia. It’s a small incursion but it has happened, nonetheless. The big question we all have is whether Russia decides to go nuclear.

Such a red line exists. Russia didn’t build thousands of nukes to overthrown by their neighbors.  It’s not as if the Russians will let Ukrainian soldiers just waltz their way to Moscow.

Is This the Beginning of the EndWhat happens when Russia uses that first tactical battlefield nuke?

What does the US do? How does Russia respond to that? What if none of it happens with Russia and the US?

The First States That Will Go Down in a Crisis. Do You Live in the Red Zone?

I think the nation closest to using a nuke is Israel. If the prospect for Israel is to be overrun by the Houthis, Hezbollah, what remains of Hamas, and anyone else who can slip through the borders during the chaos, we know the choice Israel will make.

They will not allow another October 7th to occur across the land. Which is exactly what their enemies would like.

If a succession of nukes starts popping across the globe, well, that could be the end of it all. To say this is the beginning of that potentially happening seems kind of silly. I think we are at least 50% down the road that leads to all out nuclear war.

How to Survive

There is one skill, above all, that will help you survive endings of all sorts. You need to learn to be adaptable. You need to study a broad range of skills and focus on things that seem to be your strengths.

Related: 18th Century Skills That Will Become Life-Saving When SHTF

The world is changing and only those who adapt to that change will thrive. That means to only know the old ways is not enough. Knowing only the new ways is not enough either.

I think the best way to become adaptable is to take total ownership of things like food production and preparation in your life. Grow more of your own food and cook it each day.

I rely on this guide to learn how to preserve my own food and create survival meals that truly last. With over 100 recipes designed for long-term storage without refrigeration, it became my go-to resource for making real, nourishing food to sustain me when it matters most.

Taking ownership of your fitness and health is another great example of staying adaptable.

Of course, your financial well-being allows you a lot of adaptability. If you have money, then you can make big decisions and make them quick. Still, any prepper knows that you cannot buy your way to self-sufficiency.

Truth is all our basic preps add adaptability to our lives. Having things like backup food, water, and power gives us choices in emergencies rather than having it be chaos.

We are moving through an age where there will be many different endings. It is quite possible that one of those could be the end of Mankind. This could come through disaster or even integrations with robotics and artificial intelligence.

Along the way, we are going to see some WILD stuff. I think the single most important move people can make to prepare for all of this is to focus on self-reliance. It is time to build a life of self-sufficiency, to the best of your ability, so you are prepared to deal with all these changes.

Buy less and produce more. Not only will you be better prepared to weather the storms of the future, but you will also become very valuable for your skills and knowledge. Don’t waste your time fearing the end when you could be changing your lifestyle and preparing for it.

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