The wife and children of Michael Cohen were doxxed by an individual accusing Cohen of having “betrayed Trump,” according to a report. The phone numbers and addresses were posted early Monday on a site previously associated with attempts to target people connected to Trump’s legal problems, according to nonprofit group Advance Democracy. Daniel J. Jones, the group’s president, told NBC News the person who doxxed Cohen’s family “likely had an intent to harm Cohen” and provided the personal details “in the context of calling Cohen a ‘lying bastard.’” Cohen, who was the prosecution’s star witness in the trial, which led to Trump’s conviction on 34 felony counts last week, said on MSNBC on Monday evening that his family had been receiving “unwanted phone calls and emails and text messages,” and that a pizza had been ordered to his building in his son’s name at around 11 p.m. the night before. “This is sort of the behavior that we are contending with simply because I testified,” Cohen said. “MAGA is unhappy with the results.”

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